Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Boss

Last year I had a 9 month long interview that was stressful and intense. The person who I was gonna work for did not want to meet me till the end. The pay is nothing, I work 24/7 and have no sick or vacation, but I have amazing benefits. 
Well 5 months ago this Thursday I meet my boss. He is a short man with very little hair, he always wants to eat and has so much energy that it wears me out. By the end of the day I am so ready to throw the towel in and just pass out. But then there is this sound that comes from across the hall and there he is ready to put me to work again, but this time he has a bright smile that lights up his face and how can I say no. 

He sits in his desk with all his tools and works hard all day long - He loves to laugh and at times he gets a little grumpy but thats ok - I just give him a hug and it seems to sooth him. I have never had a more demanding boss and to be honest I was not sure I was going to be ready for this job but I had to take it because, well truth is how can I say no to this face. He has turned my life around and has made my life so much more meaningful and I cant wait to see what else comes of if. 

I am truly blessed to have been hired as Mommy 5  months ago at Benjamin Inc. where the pay be nothing but the benefits of waking up everyday to a smile and being able to play with the most amazing little guy is what matters the most. God has given me a gift to be able to love someone this much and truth is I never thought I would love someone this much. My days are full of laughter, struggles, doubt and most of all love. I dont think that I could have asked for anything more. I am so proud to be a mommy and I am so proud to be a wife to a man who has given me more then I could ask for. 

Friday, November 19, 2010

Little Blessing

My little guy is so cute - So today we ran errands and had lunch with Grandma - But I think he is done with shopping with mama. After going to target for like the hundreth time this week he was not having it and decided to lay down in the cart - He look comfortable and would have fallen asleep if I would have left him laying down.
He has really begun to develop his little personality 

We were playing yesterday and I swaddled him to see what he would do so he gave me a little look and pooped out his hands! He was so cute!
He seems to understand the concept of mommy and son play time and I love it cause he makes my day so much better and brighter - He truly brought so much to my life.

This past week God has brought so many blessing to my life and has reminded me that no matter what obsticles come before you He has your back and will provide all the time! I begin to how worrying about the little things in life don't matter because He is doing all the work in our life and knows just what is coming - we just need to be patient. 
Thank you Lord for my little blessing and for all the blessings to come!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Teething! and other happenings

My little guy started teething and its the worst thing in the world. I dont know what to do sometimes and he gets so antsy cause I cant help him. I have tried orajel, teething rings and at times they work but other times he just gets mad and goes on his marry way. He is so cute!
I guess its something we all have to go through and to be honest I am glad I am home to be able to take care of him and help him through this. He is a true blessing in my life and I am blessed to he his mami.

On another note we had the best weekend with daddy. We went to visit family in Mexico and had a great bbq, then we spent time in Balboa Park and just walked around. But the best part was watching Toy Story 3 with my little guy - Yes I know he maybe should not be watching TV but he loved it. He laughed and was captured by the color. I cant wait till he actually understands what he is watching and we can share in those moments.

And lastly we took him to Costco and put him in the cart and he just felt like he was king of the world! It was so cute and for the first time in a long time he didnt have a fit when we took our time shopping. I guess he is growing up now. HE IS ONLY 4 and 1/2 months but I get it - he feels like he is 5 months - He is to cute!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rainforest Jumparoo

So my son has a Fisher Price Rain Forest Jumperoo - HE LOVES IT! OMG it is so cute to see him jump and go around in circles. The best part is that now he has something to distract him and allows me to get things done. The funny thing is that he wakes up wanting to jump and play! I love it he is such a little boy. It is amazing how the little things in life have changed the way we see things.
 I started to see how play time with my son whether its on the jumperoo or with me - those few moments are what make my day. Being able to share in those little moments with him make being a stay at home mommy worth it.
Never did I think that taking a few moments to just watch him jump would be the funnest. Growing up I know my parents played with me - But I also know that they worked alot and were not able to spend to much time with me. My son is my biggest treasure in life and I think that every single moment I can take with him need to be treasured. 

15 Weeks

So the Jaja is 15weeks and you can already start to see his little personality. He is so loving and cute - he laughs at just about anything I do - which I love because not very many people think that me making fish lips is funny.
But he has discovered his lungs and the ability to screech as loud as possible and I mean loud! After about the second hour of him screeching in the car I think that my migraine decided to move in and hold court. But its worth it when I look in his little face and he just lights up.
I have found that being a mommy has given me a true appreciation for my own mother and how much she sacrificed for me on a daily basis. I am still trying to figure out how to manage my time - I think I got it but somethings seem to be left out at times - But its all good.
With that - I am trying to decide if going back to work can be put on the back burner a little longer. I love staying home and I love taking care of my son. But I think that at times I am longing for that adult conversationthat you get from coworkers and clients.
Its tough because I have been out of work since february of last year and I have enjoyed it but there are days that I wish I had a job to go to. Is it wrong for me to think that taking care of my son is not a job? that tending to him and watching out for him is not hard enough? We will see what God has in store for me - maybe His plan for me is to be a stay at home wife/mom and help my family with their needs. We will just have to keep praying and ask God to show me what he has in store for me - I just have to let Him know what I would like and ask that His will be done.
“Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). If the Bible does not speak against it and it can genuinely benefit you spiritually, then the Bible gives you the “permission” to make decisions and to follow your heart. If you truly seek God’s will with a humble spirit and an open mind, He will reveal His will to you.

I'm a mommy!

ts been awhile but i have a reason - I am a mommy! finally my little guy has shown up  - he was born on June 25th at 821pm! After about 52 hours of labor, my little nugget showed up and he is the best gift ever.
Its now been 11 weeks and he is such a blessing. Its been such a test of my patience and a true test of my abilities. Man going into this I knew it would be hard, but its been really hard and there are days that I am in shock at how much work this is.
But I have gotten the hang of it - my little guy have a schedule and we try and get out every day at least for an hour or so. He is funny cause he loves being in the car but I have noticed that he hates sitting in the back alone.
But the best part of all of this has been that I have found it amazing how you can love this little person so much and you dont even know him! I mean we just met and we are getting to know each other daily and working out the kinks. But my little Jajaboo is the best baby. He makes me laugh, I make him laugh and we fund our selves getting frustrated at the same time about certain things. But he puts up with me.
I find myself trying to find new ways to make him laugh - seeing that just opening and closing my eyes in a weird way, he finds that really funny.
Truth is I find my self so blessed to be his mommy, God has given me the best gift in the world and its not just being a mommy but its being a mommy to one of the best babies ever!
Stay tuned more to come!