Saturday, December 18, 2010

My new diaper bag

So my husband asked me what I wanted for Christmas and truth is I didnt want anything - I have everything I need and I have my baby boy so I am good. But he insisted and so I requested a new diaper bag. 
So after much search and comparison I found one that I love love love! Its cute, its roomy and it does not look like a diaper bag. Ok yes its a diaper bag and its not Christmas yet but i am using it now and let me tell you its AMAZING! haha I know its just a bag but its more than that. You see I used to use a Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Coach - But you cant fit everything my little guy needs inside those and I was not about to go spend 200 or 300 dollars on a bag. 

So if your looking for a new diaper bag or your first one you need to check this one out its Carters Nylon Twill Diaper Bag in Tan
and its not expensive and if you are like me  you can get it cheaper with coupons. =) I hate being in a position where I dont have the things I need for my little guy and believe me you can fit plenty in this bag.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Yummy Carrots!

So today Jajaboo ate his carrots for the first time! It was an exciting moment for me that I actually wanted to cry - is that crazy or what? I mean its a milestone in my mind and it was cute to see my booboola eat his food and actually like it! 

I am such a proud mommy I am bursting at the seams. I am so happy that I get to be able to take care of my son and be there for these important milestones in his life. It was so cute to be watch him open his mouth when I brought the spoon to him and he didn't make ugly faces. 
Now here is my dilemma - Do I make his food or do I buy it? I mean I don't work and I am home most of the time so I have no excuse to not make it. Then a part of me wants to just buy it and not worry about making his food. I am at a crossroads - I feel like I am being selfish if I don't make his food and it would wise to just make it and make that part of my day. Then there is the other side that says to buy it and use the extra time to play with the booboola. I guess I have to see what is best for him and for me - or am I over thinking it?

Friday, December 3, 2010

Just a thought

So November went by faster then we wanted and now we are in December! The year went by so fast its hard to imagine that just 5 months ago my little Jaja was born. But today I was thinking about life in general - My grandmother just came back from La Paz Mexico and has not felt good since. She has heart problems and seems to get very tired. She is 85 and has always been very active.
Well with everything that has gone on this year, my son being born, my two year wedding anniversary, and now this - I feel like I have lost sight of so much. My son has shown me how important it is to live and to be happy at all times. He never seems to not be happy - He actually is a very happy baby and for that I am blessed.
But I have forgotten how important it is to stay close to family and friends. How important it is to charish every moment we have here on earth with those we love. I think that seeing my 85 year old grandmother with my 5month old son has really made me see how life is short and at any moment it can end.
I know that God has a purpose for our lives and I see how at this moment my sons purpose is to bring joy to our lives and also to make my grandmother happy and laugh. Its nice to see her laughing and smiling with him and these are the moments I can share later on with my son.
This post was not intended to be sad but more of a reflection of life and where we are - God has blessed me so much and I want to thank Him for everything that he has given me. I hope that we can all remember this month is not about the gifts we recieve but rather the gifts we can give and not material rather those gifts of love, memories and hope to those who need it.