Saturday, December 8, 2012

83 days left and counting!

So I am 7 days into my 90 day challenge and I am feeling good and inspired - there were a few bumps in the road but I am trekking along. Each days is a new challenge and its hard to change your way of thinking and being from one day to another but I am working on it day by day.

I have lost 5lbs and I feel good, I made to sure to make my lunches and work in some kind of excersice. But its hard when reality comes into play. Work, family, sickness etc comes around and makes things difficult. I tried each day and 5lbs is a big deal. I know it didnt take me a day to gain the weight and so its not going to take me a day to get it off. This week I am going to get some gym time in and make more of an effort to get with the plan 100%.

So its a short one today - Been sick and feeling under the weather - But I will be back and running tomorrow! I dont know who is out there reading and following but I hope that if you are reading this blog -I can help inspire you to join the challenge and work your way to a healthier you just like I am!

See you Tomorrow!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The things we don't understand

It's been a tough couple of days- my good friend miscarried her baby of almost 3 months - Which made me wonder why do things happen to good people?

Not that bad people or anyone deserves anything to happen to them - but it's moments like these that we need to take a look at how we live our lives and focus on being good, doing good and putting others before our own needs.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Join me and take your health to the next level! Join the #1 Weight-Loss and Fitness CHALLENGE IN NORTH AMERICA!!


Its not the GTL you might be thinking about - I am referring to Gym Toddler Laundry! HAHA I joined gym today! I am so excited because its something that I needed to do in order to succeed in my challenge. I cant wait to go and get my fitness on!

I got such a great deal for only $9.95 a month and no enrollment fee - literraly I paid $9.95 out the door. The gym is a great size and not to big and not to small, its close to work and close to my sons school so I don't have to go out of my way to make an effort. I can go and I have the time to go now - my schedule is perfect and my sons schedule is ideal.

Now I have to find a routine so that I don't get board doing the same thing over and over again. I don't want to get caught up on the treadmill stump. I used to go a lot and I loved the feeling I would have afterwards and being able to wake up feeling fresh! I am looking forward seeing my transformation and really feeling good about me. I am done feeling lazy, tired and unhealthy about me. I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror and love what I see.

Well good night all! I am ready for bed and going to get some rest for my day tomorrow - of WGT - Work Gym Toddler =)

The NEW Body by Vi Challenge is coming! Submit your New Year's resolution for a sneak peak.

The NEW Body by Vi Challenge is coming! Submit your New Year's resolution for a sneak peak.

TEXT IT NOW!!!  This is the month to join the challenge! 

Good Morning!

Its MONDAY!!! Time to get up and get going! Today my shake was Vanilla Unsweetened Almond Milk (8oz) with Banana, Peanut Butter and Cocoa - blended with Ice and served to perfection! Its so yummy and since I have sweet tooth its probably the best thing for me right now.

Each day is a challenge that we need to take moment by moment. I tend to wake up so motivated and ready to go then I get distracted and I forget that I need to think about my choices. Its so easy to drive thru this place and that place but when we take a moment to see what we are spending on food and gas to get to these places its crazy!

I used to say I could not afford to be a promoter for Visalus or that I could not get a challenge kit. But when I added up the amount of money I was spending on eating out during the week for lunch! I could afford many challenge kits. That is why I decided that I could afford to be a promoter and get a kit - I can afford to be healthy and to change my life for the good.

Again its a day by day moment by moment mind set that we have to have. It may be hard to resist what we love to eat - But we have to look at the end result - A healthier me!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

What to Expect When You Start

Take a moment to watch this video and contact me to see how you can join the challenge and work your way to a healthier new you!


So I have started a 90 day challenge with Visalus and I am looking forward to a healthier happier me! Its been 2 years since I had my son and that's 2 years of me putting off my weight loss and getting back to a healthier me.
So my friend helped me out by introducing me to Visalus - the 90 Day body by Vi challenge. What is that you say? Well let me share with you my journey and hopefully some of you will be motivated to join with me.
ViSalus Body by ViTM is an innovative solution to getting into better shape, no matter if you want to slim down, tone up or build muscle. No other program is as comprehensive, or as easy! ViSalusTM has created Body by ViTM, combining our unique and life transforming products along with our online and offline support tools. No one else can offer the same comprehensive program that includes a simple nutritional program with recipes, menu plans, exercise videos and programs, and online community support. 

If you’d rather not get weighed in public, eat expensive foods, or watch endless exercise videos that aren’t targeted to your specific needs, then this is the program for you!
Body by ViTM was designed to fit within the reality of your life. We have sensible meal plans that allow you to ‘cheat’ now and then, along with reminders you can send to your email or phone to help keep you on track with your supplements, and fast, fresh, and fun recipes.
Body by ViTM is a 90–Day challenge that helps people transform their lives. And the products are bundled to maximize results and nutrition. Combine that with special prices that shave up to $100 off normal retail prices, and there is no reason not to join!
So I am committing to blogging about my experience and showing you it works. I will weigh in every week and show you my progress. Its something that will be tough because I am putting my self out there but I know that this will help motivate me and will hopefully help others join the challenge and lose weight and get to that healthier place.

Monday, March 26, 2012

21 months down and 18 years to go!

"Its the hardest job you will ever love!" Those are the words that were spoken to me many many times before my son was born and after he was born. I always said that it was true but I didn't think that it was 100% true. But now it has hit me that ITS TRUE!!!!

Oh my gosh my son has turned into a toddler and at the same time I have noticed that the terrible 2's is no joke. Sure you may think that I am embellishing but to be honest I am not. There are days that I feel like I am going to go nuts, scream my head off, run away or even just hide from my son. Then there are days that I am having so much fun that I hate to put him to sleep. I love spending time with him but well he has his days. 

I think that when you hear/read these and you have kids you know what I am talking about. My son is amazing don't get me wrong, but he has a mind of his own and he will let you know what he wants and what he does not want. He speaks his mind and he doesn't even talk yet, he knows how to get his point across and at times very loudly. 

Lately my son has turned to tantrums as a more appropriate form of communication. Some of the times he makes these decisions in the presence of other adults =). He feels its appropriate that other people know that he has lungs and he knows how to use them. How do you handle this? How do you control the tantrum without spanking? I personally don't want to spank my son and I hate that I am told that it would be the best way to make him understand. 

Let me put myself in his shoes, sort of, If I don't like something and I don't kick and scream, I do get upset but I don't kick and scream. But at the same time I am not hit by the person or situation. I look and analyze the situation and come to a conclusion. Well how is my 21month old supposed to do the same if he can barely talk, he still trips on air and he cant even control his bowls? 

Why do adults feel the need to spank or scream in order to right a situation with a toddler? Where is it written that that is the way to go? I find myself caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to discipline. I don't know what I am doing and I am learning as I go, but I have always felt in my heart that there were many different ways and better ways to right a situation. 

So when all is said and done - I have bought the book "The Happiest Toddler on the Block" and I intend on reading it and figuring out the best way "for me" to discipline my son. I want him to grow up into an amazing boy, man and husband. So we will have to see if this book has the insight that I am looking for or if I am going to have to hide in my bathroom until my son changes. To be continued................