Monday, June 6, 2011

Just an update!

OMG My little one has kept so busy these last couple of months. He is now walking and running around like he owns the place, he loves to throw things away in the trash and on top of that he loves to climb things including me!! 
But I am having a blast being a mom and being able to be here with him everyday! Its life changing this motherhood thing but its one that I have embrassed and have enjoyed for almost a year now!
I cant believe that in 20 days my little guy will be 1 year old!!!! I KNOW RIGHT! Its like these past 12months have flown by and on top of that I am freaking out at the thought of having to possibly go back to work soon. 
I have been blessed to be able to be at home with my guy and during the pregnancy. But sometimes life just takes a turn and we have to adjust. I am praying to God that he will help me make the right decision and that I will be able to stay at home longer. Maybe even work from home - but Its up to God and his plan for me in my life. 
Well I must say that my little guy has been one of the toughest jobs in the world and I never thought that I would survive. He challenges me everyday to be a better person and to look at things with a whole new perspective. I mean for so many years I took advantage of the opportunites that were given to me - but now with my LO I know that somethings are going to be put on hold and others I can do with him. But more then anything I have to live a life that my son would be proud of and he will see that all the decisions I have and will make are for him. 
I live my days for him and know that he is one of Gods blessings upon me and that no matter what he will be the reason that I choose to do anything from here on. From the cloths that I wear to the food that I make - it all goes back to him, my little one. I think that motherhood has really tought me that no matter what happens in life we need to make the best of what we have. Our lives have changed financially and socially and to be honest I think that some of the changes are a welcome breath for fresh air. 
My little one has really changed me and I think that I am going to enjoy the changes that are to come from here on. But for now its time to plan a 1st birthday party for the little guy and hope that all goes well. I am so looking forward to this and hope that he has a good time! Wish me luck!