Monday, March 26, 2012

21 months down and 18 years to go!

"Its the hardest job you will ever love!" Those are the words that were spoken to me many many times before my son was born and after he was born. I always said that it was true but I didn't think that it was 100% true. But now it has hit me that ITS TRUE!!!!

Oh my gosh my son has turned into a toddler and at the same time I have noticed that the terrible 2's is no joke. Sure you may think that I am embellishing but to be honest I am not. There are days that I feel like I am going to go nuts, scream my head off, run away or even just hide from my son. Then there are days that I am having so much fun that I hate to put him to sleep. I love spending time with him but well he has his days. 

I think that when you hear/read these and you have kids you know what I am talking about. My son is amazing don't get me wrong, but he has a mind of his own and he will let you know what he wants and what he does not want. He speaks his mind and he doesn't even talk yet, he knows how to get his point across and at times very loudly. 

Lately my son has turned to tantrums as a more appropriate form of communication. Some of the times he makes these decisions in the presence of other adults =). He feels its appropriate that other people know that he has lungs and he knows how to use them. How do you handle this? How do you control the tantrum without spanking? I personally don't want to spank my son and I hate that I am told that it would be the best way to make him understand. 

Let me put myself in his shoes, sort of, If I don't like something and I don't kick and scream, I do get upset but I don't kick and scream. But at the same time I am not hit by the person or situation. I look and analyze the situation and come to a conclusion. Well how is my 21month old supposed to do the same if he can barely talk, he still trips on air and he cant even control his bowls? 

Why do adults feel the need to spank or scream in order to right a situation with a toddler? Where is it written that that is the way to go? I find myself caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to discipline. I don't know what I am doing and I am learning as I go, but I have always felt in my heart that there were many different ways and better ways to right a situation. 

So when all is said and done - I have bought the book "The Happiest Toddler on the Block" and I intend on reading it and figuring out the best way "for me" to discipline my son. I want him to grow up into an amazing boy, man and husband. So we will have to see if this book has the insight that I am looking for or if I am going to have to hide in my bathroom until my son changes. To be continued................