Saturday, February 5, 2011

My little Inspiration

My little guy has grown up so much in the past couple of weeks. He has a tooth coming out and it looks like he has one more right next to it. Then when I take him to the park and place him on the swing he gets so excited and laughs up a storm. The cutest part is when he sees the swing as we are pulling up – he gets excited and starts to try and get out of the car! I swear if I didn’t tie him in I think he would jump out and run over to the swing. Sad thing is he can’t walk or run so he still needs me.
Which brings me to something that jumped into my head this morning as I was listening to him in his crib at 6am playing. There is this innocence about him about every baby. They are so helpless and sweet – they want to be independent and crawl all over the place. But then they realize that they need us. They need us to get from one place to another, to eat, bathe and in some cases to sleep.
I began to think of all the helpless little babies who are left alone, who are hurt because their parents are drunk or on drugs. I began to think of all the little babies who have no one and are scared about what may happen to them – those babies of homeless people, babies of parents in foreign countries where war and hatred are top on the list.
Ok yes I know it was only 6am and what was I doing thinking about all of this. Well honestly its something that has been on my mind for some time. I don’t know that I can do anything other then pray for these little babies and children.
I know that God has everything under control. I know that he will never leave a child alone and He cares for them more then anything. Just as I love and care for my son. This past 7 months or 32 weeks I have found myself going from a working girl who had put work and school first for so long to a stay at home mom who has put her son and husband first. I find myself not caring about weather or not I go dancing or shopping, those new shoes, new dress and designer hair cut are not something I find myself wanting. I find joy in buying my son shoes, toys, clothes and sometimes more toys.
So what am I getting at? We are all put on this earth for a reason, we are given a task and plan to follow and at times though it may be hard to follow – kind of like our little angles when they start to walk – we learn. I have learned to walk again. I have learned to discover new ideas and thoughts so that I can keep my little dude entertained. Because I know some of you know how hard it can be to keep a 7 month old happy when all he wants is to put things in his mouth and crawl towards the television. Its not easy but every morning I wake up ready to take on the challenge. I wake up excited to see him and play with him. Excited to teach him how to grab a puff, keep his socks on and hold a cup.
In the last 32 weeks I have been more inspired then when I was in school or when I was working. Even though I look forward to going back to work one day. I find that this opportunity is just that, an opportunity to explore a new world with my son. If only more people would feel that way. If only more people would see how amazing of a gift we have when we give birth and are given this amazing gift, this amazing challenge. Because when we sit down and look at the big picture – our children are just that an amazing gift that challenges us to be more then we are. An amazing gift that challenges us to see our selves as more then others see us and to be inspirations to our kids just as they have inspired us.
God inspired me for so many years and now my son and God are inspiring me to be a better person.